Jazyk: C
Konsolova aplikace s jistotou funkcni pod Windows 2000 a Windows XP, umi vypsat seznam bezicich procesu, jejich PID, a vsechny TID co v nich bezi. Procesy lze vypsat i do 'stromecku', ze ktereho bude patrne, kdo je ci otec. Existujici procesy je mozno okamzite ukoncit. K dispozici je volba 'force', ktera umoznuje ukonceni i systemovych procesu (jako smss.exe, winlogon.exe apod.). Program umi zjistit prikazovou radku, se kterou byly danne procesy spusteny. Program nepouziva psapi ani toolhelp, misto toho vyuziva native api funkce.
Download: Zdrojak: ps.zip 11.87kB
Konsolova aplikace s jistotou funkcni pod Windows 2000 a Windows XP, umi vypsat seznam bezicich procesu, jejich PID, a vsechny TID co v nich bezi. Procesy lze vypsat i do 'stromecku', ze ktereho bude patrne, kdo je ci otec. Existujici procesy je mozno okamzite ukoncit. K dispozici je volba 'force', ktera umoznuje ukonceni i systemovych procesu (jako smss.exe, winlogon.exe apod.). Program umi zjistit prikazovou radku, se kterou byly danne procesy spusteny. Program nepouziva psapi ani toolhelp, misto toho vyuziva native api funkce.
Download: Zdrojak: ps.zip 11.87kB
Language: C
Console application for Windows (should run correctly at W2k and XP) that can print out the list of running processes including PID and all their TIDs. Output can be also formated into the the "tree" that shows who is whom parent. Runnning proceses can be terminated. There a "force" parameter to kill system processes (like smss.exe, winlogon.exe and so on). Program can show a command line that started any process. Program doesn't use psapi nor the toolhelp - instead of those it uses native api functinos.
Download: Source code: ps.zip 11.87kB
Console application for Windows (should run correctly at W2k and XP) that can print out the list of running processes including PID and all their TIDs. Output can be also formated into the the "tree" that shows who is whom parent. Runnning proceses can be terminated. There a "force" parameter to kill system processes (like smss.exe, winlogon.exe and so on). Program can show a command line that started any process. Program doesn't use psapi nor the toolhelp - instead of those it uses native api functinos.
Download: Source code: ps.zip 11.87kB
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