Po dlouhe dobe se mi na cele dopoledne podarilo zbavit se vsech povinnosti a vydala jsem se s kamaradkou na prespolni beh. Uz 55 let se kona v obore Hvezda tradicni beh 17. listopadu, letos jsem se stala jeho soucasti i ja :) A to docela podstatnou, jak se doctete dale.

Teplota byla na relativne prijemne nule, pozdeji asi i par stupinku nad nulou. Vitr prilis nefoukal, snezilo jen nepatrne. Zazemi zavodu bylo perfektni - oddelene satny, dokonce sprchy.
Zavod startoval v 10h, v pul desate jsme dorazily na registraci. Fronta nebyla prilis dlouha, ale na chvili cekani to bylo. Kdyz tu nas oslovily dve pani u stolecku s napisem "AM", jestli nechceme do akademicke kategorie. Nabidka znela lakave - zadna fronta, bezplatny start a stejna delka trati jako v kategorii zeny (4400m), k tomu hezke CVUTacke tricko. Tak jsme kyvly. Ukazalo se, ze jsme se zapsaly do akademickeho mistrovstvi CR v prespolnim behu a k nasemu jmenu byla pripsana skola, kterou reprezentujeme. To jsem zacala uvazovat, co me muze skola za ostudu, kterou pravdepodobne zpusobim svym casem, udelat - napadlo me akorat odebrani ubytovaciho stipendia, coz je vzhledem k jeho vysi nepodstatne :) Na druhou stranu, kazda reklama skole prece jen prospeje.
Dostala jsem cislo 19, coz me prekvapilo, ostatni meli cisla nad 100. Vypadala jsem tedy jako skutecna favoritka zavodu :)
Na startu jsem se postavila rovnou do zadu a ukazalo se to jako spravny krok. Uz 100m za startem jsem byla se slusnym naskokem posledni. Na prvni krizovatce me navigujici poradatel povzbuzoval, tak jsem ho ujisitla, ze budu rada, kdyz dobehnu (uz tou dobou jsem mela tep mezi 188 a 195 a cely prubeh zavodu neklesl, ale citila jsem se v pohode).
Po kilometru uz jsem nevidela nikoho pred sebou, ani nikoho za sebou. Ale bylo krasne a tak jsem si to uzivala. Navic uz jen kilometr a budu mit jedno kolecko za sebou. Bezela se totiz dve stejna kolecka po 2200m. V nasledujicim kilometru jsem stihla dvakrat trosku zabloudit, ale jinak se mi bezelo hezky.
Byla asi 14. minuta zavodu a ja se blizila ke konci prvniho kolecka, uz jsem videla cil. Vzpomnela jsem si, ze lonska vitezka dobehla v case kolem 15 minut. Hmmm, to asi budu vypadat jako vitezka, napadlo me. A nemylila jsem se - jak jsem se blizila ke konci kolecka, zacali se v cili srocovat lide a dokonce me nataceli. No jo, mela jsem nizke cislo, vypadalo to, ze treba prekonam lonsky cas o par vterin. Presto vypadali vsichni mirne nejiste - na vitezku jsem si to sinula dost pomalu. Kdyz jsem probihala cilem, sdelila jsem kameramanovi, ze nejsem prvni, ale posledni, at si jeste pocka. Tak vypnuli kameru, upustili od zapsani vysledku viteze a povzbudili me k druhemu kolecku :)
Na prvnim rozcesti stale jeste stal ten pan, co me pred ctvrt hodinou tak povzbuzoval a povidal: "Vidim, ze si stale drzite svou pozici! Jen tak dal, nenechte se vyvest z miry, uzijte si to!".
Zbytek trate jsem dobehla jiz temer bez komplikaci (kdyz nepocitam dvoje smrkani, jedno zavazovani tkanicky a jedno zakopnuti). V cili jsme dostala presladky caj a cely balik susenek. Vsichni byli moc mili a ochotni.

S celkovym casem cca 30 minut jsem celkem spokojena - jsem rada, ze jsou to dobehla :) Asi me budou vecer trochu bolet nohy, ale citim se jako znovuzrozena. Tu pulhodinu jsem v podstate celou prosmala :)

Teplota byla na relativne prijemne nule, pozdeji asi i par stupinku nad nulou. Vitr prilis nefoukal, snezilo jen nepatrne. Zazemi zavodu bylo perfektni - oddelene satny, dokonce sprchy.
Zavod startoval v 10h, v pul desate jsme dorazily na registraci. Fronta nebyla prilis dlouha, ale na chvili cekani to bylo. Kdyz tu nas oslovily dve pani u stolecku s napisem "AM", jestli nechceme do akademicke kategorie. Nabidka znela lakave - zadna fronta, bezplatny start a stejna delka trati jako v kategorii zeny (4400m), k tomu hezke CVUTacke tricko. Tak jsme kyvly. Ukazalo se, ze jsme se zapsaly do akademickeho mistrovstvi CR v prespolnim behu a k nasemu jmenu byla pripsana skola, kterou reprezentujeme. To jsem zacala uvazovat, co me muze skola za ostudu, kterou pravdepodobne zpusobim svym casem, udelat - napadlo me akorat odebrani ubytovaciho stipendia, coz je vzhledem k jeho vysi nepodstatne :) Na druhou stranu, kazda reklama skole prece jen prospeje.
Dostala jsem cislo 19, coz me prekvapilo, ostatni meli cisla nad 100. Vypadala jsem tedy jako skutecna favoritka zavodu :)
Na startu jsem se postavila rovnou do zadu a ukazalo se to jako spravny krok. Uz 100m za startem jsem byla se slusnym naskokem posledni. Na prvni krizovatce me navigujici poradatel povzbuzoval, tak jsem ho ujisitla, ze budu rada, kdyz dobehnu (uz tou dobou jsem mela tep mezi 188 a 195 a cely prubeh zavodu neklesl, ale citila jsem se v pohode).

Po kilometru uz jsem nevidela nikoho pred sebou, ani nikoho za sebou. Ale bylo krasne a tak jsem si to uzivala. Navic uz jen kilometr a budu mit jedno kolecko za sebou. Bezela se totiz dve stejna kolecka po 2200m. V nasledujicim kilometru jsem stihla dvakrat trosku zabloudit, ale jinak se mi bezelo hezky.
Byla asi 14. minuta zavodu a ja se blizila ke konci prvniho kolecka, uz jsem videla cil. Vzpomnela jsem si, ze lonska vitezka dobehla v case kolem 15 minut. Hmmm, to asi budu vypadat jako vitezka, napadlo me. A nemylila jsem se - jak jsem se blizila ke konci kolecka, zacali se v cili srocovat lide a dokonce me nataceli. No jo, mela jsem nizke cislo, vypadalo to, ze treba prekonam lonsky cas o par vterin. Presto vypadali vsichni mirne nejiste - na vitezku jsem si to sinula dost pomalu. Kdyz jsem probihala cilem, sdelila jsem kameramanovi, ze nejsem prvni, ale posledni, at si jeste pocka. Tak vypnuli kameru, upustili od zapsani vysledku viteze a povzbudili me k druhemu kolecku :)
Na prvnim rozcesti stale jeste stal ten pan, co me pred ctvrt hodinou tak povzbuzoval a povidal: "Vidim, ze si stale drzite svou pozici! Jen tak dal, nenechte se vyvest z miry, uzijte si to!".
Zbytek trate jsem dobehla jiz temer bez komplikaci (kdyz nepocitam dvoje smrkani, jedno zavazovani tkanicky a jedno zakopnuti). V cili jsme dostala presladky caj a cely balik susenek. Vsichni byli moc mili a ochotni.

S celkovym casem cca 30 minut jsem celkem spokojena - jsem rada, ze jsou to dobehla :) Asi me budou vecer trochu bolet nohy, ale citim se jako znovuzrozena. Tu pulhodinu jsem v podstate celou prosmala :)
After many weeks, I had a free Saturday morning with no obligations. I went to the cross-country race with my best friend Johari. This race is held annually for 55 years at Hvezda park on 17th November and this year I took part in it and it was quite serious role - as you will read in a moment.
The temperature was getting quite comfortably about zero, later it was about five degrees. No strong wind, snowing only gently. Organization was great, there were separated cloak-rooms with showers also.
The race started at ten o'clock, we arrived to registration at half past nine. There was no long queue, just a few people, we thought that we would stand there for just some few minutes. We were standing there when a couple of women told us that we could register as academicians. It seemed to be a good offer - no queue, free registration, the same length of race (4400m) and as a bonus we got a T-shirt with CVUT logo for free. (CVUT is another Czech university). So we accepted this offer happily. Later it showed oneself that we had registered to
Czech academic cross-country championship and to our name there had been added the name of university we represented. I started to wonder about what could my university do to me to penalize me for the shame that I would make for sure. The only thing I thought out was to refuse my accommodation scholarship and this was not important for me in the light of it's highness. On the other hand, every propaganda is good for my school's popularity.
They assigned starting number 19 to me. It surprised me because others had numbers bigger than a hundred. I looked like a total leader of the race :)
I stand back at the start and this was a really good idea. We were one hundred meters over the start and I was already the last runner. The organizer encouraged me at the first crossroad and I made him sure that my target is to come to the finish not to win (at this moment I already had my heard frequency between 188 and 195 - and it didn't decreased during the race, however I felt fine).
After the kilometer I couldn't see anyone behind me nor ahead. Anyway, it was a beautiful day so I enjoyed the run. Moreover there was just one kilometer to finish the first lap. We run two similar laps 2200m long. During the next kilometer I got lost a bit for two times in spite of the fact it was nice.
There was the 14th minute of a race coming and I was approaching the finish line of the first lap. I remembered that last year the winner had the time about 15 minutes. Mmmm, then I would look like a winner I thought. And I wasn't wrong. When I was getting closer
to the finish, there were a bigger crowd of people and there was a television filming me. Oh yeah, I had a very low number and it seemed that I would improve the time from the last year. However all of them looked a bit confused - I was running very slowly for the winner. When I run around a camera-man I told him to wait that I was not the first one, but the last one. So they stop filming, stop from writing down my time and encouraged me to the last lap :)
There still was the same organizer at the crossroad and he was encouraging me: "I can see that you are holding your position! Great! Keep it up, enjoy it!"
The rest of lap I run almost without complications (if I don't bear in mind that I had to blow my nose for two times, tie the laces for one time and tripped out for one time). At the finish I got a very very sweet tea and a package of sweets. All people there were very nice.
I'm quite satisfied with my time that was about 30 minutes. I'm happy that I finished it. Maybe I will feel my tired legs in the evening however I feel like born again now. I was laughing during almost whole race :)
The temperature was getting quite comfortably about zero, later it was about five degrees. No strong wind, snowing only gently. Organization was great, there were separated cloak-rooms with showers also.
The race started at ten o'clock, we arrived to registration at half past nine. There was no long queue, just a few people, we thought that we would stand there for just some few minutes. We were standing there when a couple of women told us that we could register as academicians. It seemed to be a good offer - no queue, free registration, the same length of race (4400m) and as a bonus we got a T-shirt with CVUT logo for free. (CVUT is another Czech university). So we accepted this offer happily. Later it showed oneself that we had registered to

They assigned starting number 19 to me. It surprised me because others had numbers bigger than a hundred. I looked like a total leader of the race :)
I stand back at the start and this was a really good idea. We were one hundred meters over the start and I was already the last runner. The organizer encouraged me at the first crossroad and I made him sure that my target is to come to the finish not to win (at this moment I already had my heard frequency between 188 and 195 - and it didn't decreased during the race, however I felt fine).
After the kilometer I couldn't see anyone behind me nor ahead. Anyway, it was a beautiful day so I enjoyed the run. Moreover there was just one kilometer to finish the first lap. We run two similar laps 2200m long. During the next kilometer I got lost a bit for two times in spite of the fact it was nice.
There was the 14th minute of a race coming and I was approaching the finish line of the first lap. I remembered that last year the winner had the time about 15 minutes. Mmmm, then I would look like a winner I thought. And I wasn't wrong. When I was getting closer

There still was the same organizer at the crossroad and he was encouraging me: "I can see that you are holding your position! Great! Keep it up, enjoy it!"
The rest of lap I run almost without complications (if I don't bear in mind that I had to blow my nose for two times, tie the laces for one time and tripped out for one time). At the finish I got a very very sweet tea and a package of sweets. All people there were very nice.
I'm quite satisfied with my time that was about 30 minutes. I'm happy that I finished it. Maybe I will feel my tired legs in the evening however I feel like born again now. I was laughing during almost whole race :)
3 komentářů:
A o tom to take je, uzit si to!
Jinak jsem moc rada, zes to se mnou bezela :-).
Ja sem taky rada, hlavne, ze jsi me vytahla :)
Gratuluji k doběhnutí ;)