úterý 5. února 2008

Postrehy ze zkouskoveho / Exams Observations

Konec zkouskoveho jeste neni, presto uz ted jsem nasbirala nekolik zajimavych postrehu:

Postreh prvni:
Vsimla jsem si napadne podobnosti skript a binarniho souboru.

Postreh druhy:
Vetsinou se v chapani zaseknu na necem, co je dle autora obecne zrejme, jasne, trivialni a tedy to neni treba vysvetlovat.

Postreh treti:
Co mi prijde obecne zname, jasne, trivialni a nepotrebuji to vysvetlit je vetsinou dokazano na nekolik stranek dukazem tak narocnym, ze to prestanu chapat.

Postreh ctvrty:
Kdyz uz je vazne nejhur, je potreba si uvedomit, ze vlastne o nic nejde. Tak az vam bude hodne spatne, zkuste se podivat treba na tohle video a pochopite, ze kdyz zkousku neudelate, tak se vlastne nic tak zleho nestane.
The end of exams in still far away. However I have some interesting observations already:

Observation No. one:
I have taken notice of the similarity of a binary file and the official lecture notes.

Observation No. two:
I have often troubles to understand to something that is according to the author evident, clear, trivial so it doens't need to be explained.

Observation No. three:
What seems to me to be evident, clear, trivial so it doens't need to be explained is often proved by number of pages in a such difficult way that I desist from understanding it.

Observation No. four:
When really bad times come I have to realize that at it is all small and unimportant in fact. So if you feel really bad see this movie and you will understand that there is nothing frightful happening if you do not pass the exam.

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