sobota 24. února 2007

Process Killer

Jazyk: C
Napsal David

Process killer je urcen pro platformu Windows NT. Vypise tabulku bezicich procesu spolu se zakladnimi informacemi (jmeno, pid, parent pid, cpu usage, priorita, pocet vlaken a handlu, vyuziti pameti, cas behu), dale umi ziskat dalsi informace o procesu(ech) na zaklade jmena nebo pid procesu: jmeno procesu, cesta, prikazova radka, pid, parent pid, vyuziti procesoru, priorita, pocet vlaken a handlu, cas behu, cas spusteni, cas v kernelu, cas v usermodu, jmeno tokenu, uziti memory a spicka, uziti virtual memory a spicka, uziti pagefilu a spicka, uziti paged a nonpaged pool a page faults. procesy umi vypsat ve tvaru stromecku, umi je killovat, vcetne systemovych (s pravy debugeru,systemu i driveru).

Download: Zdrojak: 65.2kB

Language: C
Written by David

Process killer is for dedicated Windows NT platform. It can show the table running proceses including the basic information (name, pid, parent pid, cpu usage, priority, number of threads and handles, uasge of the memory, time of running of the process). It also can get more information about the process from given name or id of process: process name, path, command line, pid, parent pid, the meassure of usage of the processor, priority, number of threads and handles, running time, time of start, kernel time, usermode time, token name, usage of memory and the top, usage of virtual memory and the top, uasage of pagefile and the top, usage of paged a nonpaged pool and page faults. Processes can be written at the form of a tree, it can kill them including system processes (with rights of debugger, system or driver).

Download: Source code: 65.2kB

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